Sulla rivista “Dream of Italy” – Mystical Matera: Italy’s most ancient city

Ever wanted to stay in a cave? One with all of the modern amenities. Well, Matera is the place to do it.

La rivista in lingua inglese “Dream of Italy” dedica ampio spazio a Matera.
…”One doesn’t just happen upon MateraBasilicata’s most famous city is isolated among billowing wheat fields where the scrub-dotted hills of Basilicata give way to the stark limestone plateau of Puglia. It isn’t “on the way” to any destination; you have to deliberately go there. But this city of Sassi is well worth the trip. Matera is one of Italy’s most architecturally complex cities. While it doesn’t embody the splashy splendor of Renaissance Florence or the austere Middle Ages like Siena, these periods, and every epoch before and after, are incised in the tufa and seen in the sinewy passageways nonetheless. Matera has four districts”…

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