Perched on top of a hill, the town of Miglionico is spreads around the outstanding Castello del Malconsiglio. The castle, dating back to the 8th- 9th- century, is flanked by six towers and overlooks the entire Bradano valley. The castle’s name derives from the bloodthirsty cospiracy made by the barons of the Kingdom of Naples against King Ferdinand I of Aragon (1485). The voices of the main characters of such an epoch-making event – the Sanseverino, the Guevara, the Del Balzo, the Caracciolo and the Acquaviva, the   King Ferdinand I of Aragon and his son Alfonso – still echo across the Sala del Malconsiglio. The multumedia exhibition “Discovering the Baron’s Cospiracy” guides visitors through the intricate story that took place inside the fortress. During the visit to the village, do not miss the Chiesa di Santa Maria Maggiore: the church houses precious works, including the polyptych, a masterpiece  by venetian artist Cima da Conegliano, the Crucifix by Padre Umile da Petralia Soprana and the pipe organ whone oldest part dates back to 1479.