The golden sandy beaches of the Ionian Coast and the plunging cliffs of the Tyrrhenian Coast make Basilicata the ideal destination for those looking for relaxing holidays surrounded by crystal-clear waters and bright, sunny beaches.

The Ionian Coast, with the famous seaside town of Metaponto, boasts large beaches of fine golden sand, fringed by pine forests and eucalyptus trees spreading their pleasant scent all around. In the warm autumn days, the coast is also the perfect destination for the most romantic ones to enjoy long and peaceful walks on the shoreline, on foot or on horseback, from dawn till the early afternoon.

Thanks to its jagged coastline, with majestic mountains sweeping down to the blue sea, and its pebbled coves, Maratea has been defined as the “Pearl of the Thyrrenian Sea”, not only for its vibrant and colourful diving sites but also for its sea caves, which can be reached by boat. From the impressive white Statue of Christ the Redeemer, on Mount San Biagio, you will enjoy breathtaking views of the entire Gulf of Policastro.


Golden sand, crystal clear sea and far-stretching beaches. The Ionian coast is a real paradise with 35 km of coastline, a favourite destination for relaxing days by the sea, but also in the name of adventure, given the many sports, aquatic and otherwise, that can be practised.
The beaches are characterised by sandy and shallow bottoms that give the sea a typical crystalline and limpid colour, repeatedly awarded the “blue flag” (clean waters award), perfect for holidays with children. A very rich land both from an archaeological and agri-food standpoint.
However, in addition to the beaches, the Ionian coast is dotted, in its inland areas, with villages rich in history immersed in gullies or perched on spurs and hills, guardians of their traditions and ready to welcome with their own peculiarities visitors that from the sea want to explore these historic centres.


The thirty kilometres of coastline have been awarded the blue flag, and have always been among the most celebrated in Italy. Its fame dates back to ancient times, the Greeks called it Thea maris, the Goddess of the sea. A real Eden on land, sometimes wild and unspoiled, with its jagged coasts overlooking the sea, ending in delightful coves that offer an exclusive relationship with nature.
That of Maratea is a very diverse territory, which does not develop homogeneously only in the village, but expands upwards to the statue of the Redeemer and the ruins of the castle and then slopes down to the coast of Castrocucco, passing through the port, Fiumicello and the hamlets of Brefaro, Acquafredda, Massa, Marina, Cersuta and Santa Caterina.

The beaches, caves and the island of Santo Janni
There are numerous beaches and coves that characterise the coast, some small and reachable only from the sea.
On the stretch of coast of Acquafredda, we find the beaches ofAnginarra and Luppa, divided by a cliff with dark sand and pebbles, of Grotta della Scala, Porticello and Marizza. One of the most celebrated beaches is the one calledd’u Nastru in Cersuta, while in Porto that of I Vranne.
Larger than the previous ones and also more suitable for children, given the ease with which they can be reached, are the beaches of Fiumicello and Castrocucco.
Made particular by the dark colour of its sand, the Spiaggia nera (Black beach) is framed by the thick vegetation of the Mediterranean scrub that extends almost to the sea.
The beaches of the hamlet Marina di Maratea are noteworthy for their morphological peculiarities and their scenic beauty. Among them, Illicini, Cala Jannita and Macarro.
The Secca beach is the only one of its kind, with its shallow seabed and numerous rocks that, in the past, caused several shipwrecks as evidenced by the various archaeological finds that emerged from the sea.
The coast of Maratea is also characterised by numerous natural caves, such as the Cave of wonders in Marina di Maratea, a unique naturalistic spectacle, with stalactites and stalagmites created by the tireless action of water. One of the smallest and best preserved tourist caves in the entire national territory. Other noteworthy sea caves are the ones called Sogno, Fogiaro, Zu Monaco, Colonne, Pipistrelli and Dragone, real works of art in limestone.
Deserving a separate mention is the island of Santo Janni, a rocky islet used since Roman times, as evidenced by the numerous finds of amphorae, anchors and basins, for the production and trade of garum, a typical sauce used in the antiquity and made with fish entrails.